champs Jonathan Nakagawa, Nichole Hiraoka, Forrest Kritzer, Brittany Hillman, & Michael Gonzales

        A tough Northern Calfornia quintet shot lights out to capture the Team title at the 2012 JBT Las Vegas Main Event, hosted by Texas Star Lanes and sponsored by Ebonite International.

        Jon Nakagawa led the team with a big 743 series, Michael Gonzales blasted 720, and Forrest Kritzer contributed a nice 646.  Anyone who follows our Tour knows that the girls have no fear of competing against the guys, and the ladies more than did their part to win, with Nichole Hiraoka rolling 690, and eventual Girls Scratch Singles champ Brittany Hillman rounding it out with 620, for a huge 3419 total, winning by over 100 pins.

1 Hiraoka, Kritzer, Hillman, Nakagawa, Gonzales 3419 $500
2 Chapman, Muther, Benoit, Bidwell, Spacey 3288 $300
3 Mulen, Acuff, Chan, Lindeman, Hatchett 3257 $150
4 Aiplort, Goad, Dempsey, Myers, Smith 3136  
5 Fujita, Fujita, Anderson, Hanson, Sambueno 3133  
6 Coffey, Lieber, Chin, Monnette, Godoy 3115  
7 Karpovich, Sweigart, Brown, Cobine, Edmondson 3107  
8 Brooks, Bravo, Holley, Hernandez, Johnson 3087  
9 Haynes, Watanabe, Katz, Nadeau, Nadeau 3044  
10 Del Cerro, Tang, Duplan, Cantrell, Tang 3001  
11 Ferrer, Heard, Jackley, Stever, Stanley 2980  
12 Cruz, Hurst, Mayall, Harris, Peters 2978  
13 Holcomb, Bible, Hardy, Cipriaso, Herbster 2942  
14 Munyon, Redmon, Newkirk, Van Sickle, Jacob 2899  
15 Nakagawa, Yockman, Yoshida, Cleary, Davidosn 2824  
16 Shanks, Martin, Nagamine, Terry, Fukumoto 2640