The 2024 JBT Las Vegas Main Event- event details and complete rules




South Point Bowling Plaza

December 27-30, 2024

open scratch, girls scratch, and handicap divisions


Qualifying Squad Times:   

December 27:  11 AM, 5 PM

December 28:  9 AM, 3 PM

December 29:  8 AM, 2 PM


Semifinals Squad Time:       December 30:  9 AM


Finals Squad Time:               December 30:  2 PM  (approx.)


Entry fee:               $100 per bowler in Open Scratch

$100 per bowler in Girls Scratch

$100  per bowler in Handicap

$80 per re-entry

Re-entries are unlimited as space permits

Optional brackets available on-site.


Format:  - Bowlers roll 6 games across 12 lanes in the qualifying round.  All qualifying squads are on fresh oil.

-          The top 40% of the Open Scratch first-time entries to a maximum of 52, top 40% Handicap first-time entries to a max of 40, and the top 50% Girls Scratch first-time scores to a maximum of 20, advance to the semifinals.

-          Semifinals are 8 games of matchplay, with 30 pin bonuses for wins, 15 for ties.  Scores carry forward from qualifying.

-          The top 8 Open Scratch, top 8 Handicap, and top 6 Girls Scratch bowlers advance to a bracket/stepladder finals.


Prize Fund: $3,000 scholarship guaranteed first place in Open Scratch, $1,500 in Handicap, and $1,500 in Girls Scratch.  (all prizes were significantly larger than this in all recent years)  1:10 bowlers receive scholarship prizes.




When: December 26, 2024

Host: South Point Bowling Plaza                                                                                        

Divisions: scratch and handicap divisions

Starting Time:  Noon (fresh oil), 3 PM, (burn), 7 PM (fresh).  Unlimited re-entries allowed as space permits.

Entry fee: $40 per bowler per squad

Format:  Bowlers roll 4 games across 8 lanes.  The top 1:8 scores in each division of the four squads combined will receive scholarship prizes, with at least three scratch female scratch prizes awarded.





When: December 27-29, 2024

Host: South Point Bowling Plaza                                                                                       

Divisions: scratch and handicap divisions

Squad Times:

December 27: 2 PM, 6 PM

December 28: 10AM, 1 PM,  (re-oil), 5 PM, 8:30 PM

December 29: 9 AM, Noon, 3 PM   

Entry fee: $80 per team

Format:  Bowlers will roll 3 team games on the same pair.  There is no ‘cut’, semifinals, or finals.   The highest team total after the last squad wins the championship.  Bowlers may re-enter with the same or different partners as much as they wish, and may ‘cash’ multiple times with different partners, but only once with the same partner.

Prize Fund: $1,000/ team guaranteed first place.  1:10 entries earn scholarship prizes based on their final standings.

Note:  Re-oiling is only guaranteed at the times listed above, so choose your squad times with that in mind.  Additional re-oilings will be announced and added pending lane traffic, at the sole discretion of the tournament directors.





When: December 29

This is designed as a 'fun' event to blow off steam from all the seriousness.  Music will be on and fairly loud, etc... 

Host: South Point Bowling Plaza                                                                                       

Divisions: scratch and handicap divisions

Starting Time: 8 PM (one squad only, or asap after re-oil from the final singles squad)

Entry fee: $100 per team ($20 per person)

Format:  Bowlers will roll 3 team games on the same pair.  There is no ‘cut’, semifinals, or finals.  The highest team total wins the championship.  Up to 2 bowlers may be ‘adults’, meaning anyone age 22 or over on 8/1/24, subject to the same average rules in handicap singles.

Prize Fund: $500/ team guaranteed first place.  1:8 teams earn scholarship prizes based on their final standings.

Note:  The Main Event Singles cut scores will be calculated and announced during the Team event, so it’s a great way to ‘kill some time’ while we crunch the numbers!




When: December 28, 2024

Host: South Point Bowling Plaza  (event may be moved to the traditional South Point center as entries necessitate)                                                                                  

Divisions: scratch only

Starting Time:  8:30 PM (one squad only)

Entry fee: $60, bowlers MUST be 2024-25 USBC Junior Gold cardholders to participate, cards may be purchased on-site.

Format:  Bowlers will roll 3 games on 3 pairs.  There is no ‘cut’, semifinals, or finals.  The highest 1:4 boys totals and 1:4 girls totals wins Gold Finals spots. Spots in 'U12', 'U15', and 'U-18', both boy and girl,  will be awarded if entries permit.   4 entrants required to run a separate age/gender category.  Ties broken by highest game.  Additional rules available on-site.

Note:  Gold squad scores cannot be used as your Main Event qualifying squad (since it's only 3 games). 



2024 Main Event entering average details- if you are bowling ANY handicap event please read this:


-           SEND YOUR ENTRY IN FIRST THEN YOUR AVERAGE INFO AFTER THE 12/1 CUTOFF!  Don't wait until 12/1 to send  in your entry.

-        If you are a JBT bowler and have 15 games of 2024-25 JBT competition in by Main Event, you don’t need to do anything further about your average, we will take care of it.

-          Otherwise, we need your averages as of 12/1/2024  from ANY AND ALL form(s) of organized competition that keeps an average chart: leagues, tournament clubs, high school bowling, or anything else.  Those average(s) must be of 15 games or more.  EACH of these averages must be noted as a 'sport', 'challenge', or 'house' competition.

-          If you only bowl in one thing in 2024-25, you just need your average sheet from the closest session to 12/1.  If you bowl in more than one thing with 15+ games, we need them all.

-      FOR SINGLES ONLY (including sweepers), an average from an exclusively 'house', 'standard', or 'recreational' league/club will be converted to a 'challenge' average.  If a bowler has both a 'house' and a 'challenge' or 'sport' average, they will use whatever is highest after the house conversion for singles.  For doubles and team, bowlers will use their highest average of the above, without any conversion.  Per rule 13, JBT reserves the right to further re-rate averages up or down at their sole discretion.  Bowler will be notified of that decision prior to competition, with a full refund available if a bowler chooses not to compete under that average.   Bowlers not using JBT averages who are competing in handicap must sign an average confirmation sheet on-site which will review this information. 

-          If you don’t have 15 games in 2024-25 competition by 12/1, but you do by the time Main Event starts, you must submit your average as stated above from the week you do reach at least 15 games.

-          If you don’t have 15 games in any 2024-25 competition by 12/1, but do have finishing ‘book’ averages from previous seasons, we will apply the JBT re-rating system to your average.  Please contact us and let us know if this is the case.

-     Main Event staff reserves the right to further re-rate a bowler's entering average, based on prior Main Event results, or any other information received and deemed reliable by the sole discretion of tournament management, prior to the start of the event.  The goal is to have a bowler's average represent their truest current ability.

-           As always, you must provide the above averages and paperwork to be able to bowl in the singles semifinals, or ‘cash’ in any side event.  Again, don’t hold on to your entry until 12/1- send in the entry without average info, then mail, email, scan, fax, or bring the average info to the tournament.


The below is under re-construction :-)

2024  LAS VEGAS MAIN EVENT RULES- please read these carefully!


1.         This event is open to anyone age 21 or under as of 8/1/24 , regardless of ‘junior’ or ‘adult’ status, excluding past or present PBA or PWBA members or any other international professional organization.

2.         Entries are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Field size is limited in each qualifying squad and varies from squad to squad. 

3.         Entry fee: The entry fee is $100 in Open and Girls Scratch Singles ($30 linage, $60 prizes and awards, $10 expenses); and $100 in Handicap Singles ($30 linage, $60 prizes and awards, $10 expenses).   Singles re-entries in all divisions are $80 ($25 linage, $50 prizes and awards, $5 expenses).  Doubles entry fees are $80 per team ($21 linage, $50 awards, $9 expenses).  Team entry fee is $100 per team ($40 linage, $60 awards, $0 expenses).  Awards fees returned 100% (way more). 

4.         Walk-in entries ARE permitted until each squad’s starting time.  Unlimited re-entries are permitted in Singles and Doubles as space permits.  That said, many squads have sold out in advance in recent years, so we recommend mailing / emailing your completed entry form as soon as possible.  We strongly encourage handicap bowlers to send in payment prior to sending in your 12/1 average verification, so that you may reserve your squad choice.  Average verification (see rule 14) may later be sent by fax to 1-888-788-4961, or email to

5.         Reserved bowlers MUST check in at least 30 minutes prior to squad starting time, or risk losing their spot to wait-listed bowlers.

6.         Personal checks from non-JBT members are only accepted until December 10, 2024.  Entries postmarked after that time, or walk-ins, must be paid by cash or credit card.  Returned checks are subject to a $30.00 fee.  Please do not mail any entries postmarked after December 14, to ensure we receive it.  Instead, email us and let us know you’re coming, and pay on-site.

7.         CONFIRMATION IS AUTOMATIC.  Unless you hear from us, your entry has been accepted for the squad(s) you requested.  Received entries are / will be posted on our website.  You may check on your entry status by emailing us at

8a.     Singles Format:

Qualifying:  Bowlers in all divisions will roll 6 games across twelve lanes in the qualifying round.  Bowlers who re-enter will use their highest 6-game score.  The top 40% Open Scratch scores (re-entries excluded) to a max of 52, top 40% handicap scores, re-entries excluded, to a max of 40, and top 50% Girls Scratch scores, re-entries excluded, to a max of 20, advance to the semifinals.

Semifinals: Bowlers will roll 8 additional games of matchplay, scores carrying forward from the qualifying round.  Bowlers receive a 30 pin bonus for each win, and 15 for each tie.  All scores from qualifying carry forward.  The top 8 scores in Open Scratch and Handicap, and the top 6 scores in Girls Scratch after the semifinals advance to the finals.

           8b.  Doubles Format:

All teams roll 3 team games on the same pair of lanes.  This is a “beat the board” event; the highest 3 game doubles total after the final squad is the winner, with 1:10 teams receiving a scholarship prize.  Unlimited re-entries are allowed, with the same or different partners, space-permitting, on a first-come, first-serve basis.  You can only 'cash' once with the same partner.

               8c.     Team Format:

There is one squad, Dec. 29th at 8 PM (or as soon as possible after re-oiling).  5-person teams roll 3 team games on the same pair of lanes.  The highest scoring teams per division on a 1:8 ratio earn scholarship prizes.  Teams may have up to two ‘adult’ (age 22 or over as of 8/1/24) bowlers on their teams.

10.      Ties: Ties for the final semifinal spot will be broken by a one game rolloff at 8 AM Dec. 30.  Ties for the final spot in the finals will be broken by a three-frame rolloff.  Ties in the finals will be broken by a one ball rolloff in scratch divisions and a two frame rolloff in the handicap division.  Ties for final positions 9 and above (7 and above in Girls Scratch) will split any position prize money.

11.      Attire: Bowlers are requested to wear slacks (slacks or skirts / skorts for girls), and a collared shirt.  “Name shirts” or shirts promoting your local leagues / clubs are encouraged.  Shorts are acceptable, provided they are of a neat, khaki-type material.  No hats, t-shirts (unless directly bowling related)  or sleeveless shirts, ripped or torn clothing, or clothing promoting alcohol, tobacco, or drugs may be worn.  “Mock-turtlenecks” or "brand logo" shirts are okay. Directors’ decisions are final- if you’re not sure, don’t wear it!

12.      Discipline: Proper behavior is demanded of all bowlers and requested of all spectators.  Any abuse of bowling center equipment, audible obscenity, or other unbecoming conduct will result in 1) warning and/or 2) disqualification, subject to the sole discretion of tournament management.  You may not get caught every time, but if you test us, you’ll get caught eventually.  Parents are expected to set a good example and abide by the same rules.  For questions on the JBT behavior policy, visit or see any official.

13.      Scholarships: Scholarships will be awarded to at least 1:10 entrants in each singles division based on final standings, with the posted guarantees.   Final results and scholarship information will be announced on our website and facebook no later than January 10, 2025.  Unofficial results will be posted on the website by January 3, 2025.  Scholarships are awarded by the JBT Scholarship Fund.  Claiming rules, forms, and information may be found at the 'scholarships' section of

14.      Averages:    Bowlers in any handicapped event must submit 1) their JBT average of 15+ games as of December 1, 2024; if none, 2) ALL 2024-25 averages of 15 games or more, as of December 1, 2024, of ANY FORM OF ORGANIZED COMPETITION, including any traveling leagues / tours, high school bowling, or non-USBC certified leagues.  Bowlers with less than 15 games as of 12/1 must submit their average from the week they reach 15 games in 24-25 league/tour play.  Bowlers submitting ‘sport’, 'challenge', ‘PBA Experience’, or any ‘non house’ averages MUST report that the average they are stating is such, and are subject to re-rating prior to event start.  If you mail your entry early, be sure to bring proof with you, or email us, or fax to us at 1-888-788-4961.  Any average discovered to be incorrect, inadvertently or not, will result in that bowlers’ disqualification, forfeiture of all scholarships earned at the event, and suspension from future JBT events, subject to the sole discretion of tournament management.  Bowlers who do not provide average proof will not be able to bowl in the semifinal or final rounds, or ‘cash’ in any side event.  All bowlers competing in any handicap event not using their JBT average will fill out and sign an average confirmation sheet at the event.   More average information is in the 'entering average information' above, or at the 'entering average worksheet' at this website.

15.      Rules not covered herein will be subject to 1) JBT / then 2) USBC rulebooks.  Tournament management reserves all rights regarding the operation of this event.

