Date: Saturday February 22, 2025 (This is ONE doubles tournament that is one day long. Teams may be youth-youth OR youth-adult. 'Adult' is anyone 22 or over as of 8/1/24).
Start Time: Two qualifying squads, 9 AM and 1 PM.
Re-entries?: Teams may re-enter if space permits. If you enter twice with two different partners, your first scorecard is voided (so you can't 'make the cut' twice); you wouldn't want to re-enter with different partners unless you're sure your first card won't be good enough to qualify.
Reservations: Please email to reserve a spot. You can prepay (not required) at the 'Prepaying' section of this website. Reservations (paid or unpaid) must check in no later than 15 minutes before start time. At that time, all bowlers will be taken on a first come, first serve basis until the field is full.
Format: Partner may be another junior OR an adult ('adult' means anyone 22 or over as of 8/1/24). Qualifying round is 4 team games. The top 40%, to a maximum of 48 total teams over both squads combined, then bowl a 2 game semifinals. The top 4 then do a Baker-format stepladder finals.
Divisions/ Averages: Scratch or handicap. It is the teams' choice of division, except that teams over 400 must bowl scratch. If this is your first JBT event this season, we will be asking for average info. In most cases, your highest average from any current form of organized competition of at least 15 games is what we need. If you bowl in multiple leagues / clubs, bring everything and we'll sort it out for you. If you don't have 15+ games in any organized competition this season, we need your finishing 23-24 average, and any 2024 summer averages. After your first JBT event, your average is re-rated before every JBT event according to JBT rules. Please see JBT Rule 13 for complete details.
Points: This event counts for Mountain and All-Conference points. You earn points in the division in which your team competes. Points qualify you for the big money season-ending Invitationals and Touring Players Championship, so get all you can. Visit the 'statistics' section of the website to check on your points. At the end of the season, the top 40 in Mojave points, plus anyone who had TWO top-5 finishes in Mojave events this season, advance to their respective Invitationals.
Entry fee: $80 per team. Youth scholarship brackets are available for $2 each. Separate adult singles cash brackets are $5 each. Raffle tickets for Brands of Brunswick bowling balls, and our PowerBowl and '29' jackpots, are available on-site.
Sponsor Incentive bonuses: 1) IAM Bowling: Bowlers making the final match of an event (scratch or handicap) wearing an IAM patch (good), any IAM shirt (better), or an IAM JBT shirt (best) earn point bonuses towards a $5,000 IAM incentive jackpot. (The IAM patch is requested to be worn by all bowlers, if available). 2) Virtue Bowling: Bowlers making the final match of an event (scratch or handicap, win or lose), using a Virtue Bowling shirt or patch, and a Virtue drilled ball, earn a $25 Virtue gift card.
Scholarships: 1:6 in each division earn scholarships, scratch and handicap. Minimum prizes are $400, $200, $150, $100. Bowlers must finish in the top 5 twice this season to qualify for that conference's Invitational, which features $1,000 for first place. Bowlers who finish in the top 20 in a conference's points race, or the top 120 in all-conference points, qualify for the Touring Players Championship, featuring $2,900 for first.
Lane conditions: conditions vary from event to event, and are not posted prior to the event (unless otherwise announced). Some events do not post the pattern until after qualifying. Be ready for anything- it makes you a better bowler! Check out previous patterns and corresponding cut scores at the 'lane conditions' section of this website.
Dress code: Anything goes EXCEPT tank tops, gym shorts, clothing promoting alcohol, drugs, or firearms, or excessively ripped or short clothing, subject solely to the director's discretion. However, bowlers wearing slacks or dress shorts/skirts, and a 'name shirt' or PBA-style 'dye-sub' shirt, or college or high school team shirt, earn an extra 10 points on their season-long points total. For doubles, matching 'theme' outfits that would otherwise not fit the dress code will count, pending directors' final decision. If you're not sure about dress code, check with us. If you're new to us, the vast majority of the bowlers do dress in the 'bonus' dress code, and those points become very important, so plan accordingly.
This reservation is an expectation that you will be bowling. PLEASE do not forget to contact us if you need to cancel or adjust your reservation. Repeated 'no-shows' may result in you not being able to reserve a spot. This list may not be updated after the Friday of the event as we travel, etc.
no. |
bowler |
9 AM Sat FULL |
1 PM Sat |
1 |
Ruiz-Jimenez, Aiden / Whitley, Thomas |
x |
x |
2 | Matthies, Land / Matthies, Josh | x | x |
3 | DeMerritt, Payton / McIntire, Brent | x | x |
4 | Vandeventer, Mason / Wisthoff, Jordan | x | x |
5 | Silva, Ian / | ||
6 | Depew, Brendan / Pacheco, Talyn | x | x |
7 | Forgue, Wesley / Forgue, Brantley | x | |
8 | Enright, Jakob / Belnap, Carson | x | x |
9 | Langhans, Mason / Burnett, Josh | x | x |
10 | Bacoccini, Nicco / Gill, Jacob | x | x |
11 | Taylor, Ayla / Agosta, Manny | x | x |
12 | Provencher, Xavier / Martinez, Ezekiel | x | x |
13 | Coleman, Cameron / Coleman, Micah | x | x |
14 | Cortis, Lilly / Belnap, Kylie | x | |
15 | Romero, Angela / | x | x |
16 | Medina, Mia / Belnap, Kylie | x | |
17 | Zents, Samuel / Kranz, Casie | x | x |
18 | Heaton, Ryan / Stewart, Landon | x | |
19 | Fetty, Garrett / Lujan, Diego | x | |
20 | Fetty, Grant / Henderson, Domenic | x | |
21 | Goda, Clara / Harvey, Bari | x | |
22 | Longoria, Adam / Dean, Ayden | x | |
23 | Romero, Jonas / Heckroth, Ben | x | x |
24 | Fleming, Kaden / Fleming, Nick | x | x |
25 | Lee, Peyton / Neely, Larkin | x | x |
26 | Medina, Alberto / partner | x | |
27 | Medina, Sebastian / partner | x | |
28 | Romero, Donovan / Griffin, Dusti | x | x |
29 | Romero, Derick / Helmick, Dennis | x | x |
30 | Howe, Harvey / Howe, Matt | x | x |
31 | Ruehlen, Joshua / | x | x |
32 | Griego, Lucia / Griego, Aaron | x | |
33 | Martinez, Bella / Jackson, Gio | x | x |
34 | Flores, Dylan / partner they can't remember | x | |
35 | Flores, Aidan / Wearly, Braden | x | x |
36 | Alvarado, DJ / Alvarado, Evelyn | x | x |
37 | Alvarado, April / Alvarado, Annie | x | x |
38 | Salinas, Isaiah / Carriaga, Eric | x | x |
39 | Wolf, Justin / Wolf, Michael | ||
40 | Loudenback, Ethan / Loudenback, Patrick | ||
41 | Thompson, Alex / Small, Sam | x | x |
42 | Muller, Shane / Smith, Alex | ||
43 | |||
44 | |||
45 | LeBaron, Garrett / LeBaron, Jennifer | x | |
46 | McIntire, Brent / DeMerritt, Peyton | ||
47 | McIntire, Ashlynn / Morris, Maggie | ||
48 | Chaney, Skyler / Chaney, Ryan | x | x |
49 | Gurule, Gabriel / Gurule, Noah | x | x |
50 | Raymond, Shaiden / Raymond, Aaron Jr | x | x |
51 | Bajonero, Genesis / 'Cameron' | x | |
52 | Wolf, Justin / Wolf, Michael | x | |
53 | Panetta, Gianna / Kannady, Noami | x | x |
54 | Coleman, Camden / Wilson, Rebecca | x | x |
55 | Kitchens, Xavier / Kitchens, Chris | x | |
56 | Aguilar, Luis / Salazar, Devin | x | |
57 | Witt, Jaxon / Narbaez, Noah | x | |
58 | Enright, Paul / | ||
59 | Barraza, Samuel / Barraza, Anthony | x | x |
60 | Martinez, Elijah / | x | |
61 |